Welcome to my web page!

This is where I'm going to post weekly "updates" on my website and other works.

A nice weekend, some nice puppies and some nice snow (17.02.#5)

So, it finally decided to start snowing a lot. I don't think it snowed that much last year so I'm pretty happy.

Though, it also makes me a bit worried about Sharka's dogs. By the way, I finally saw them and they reaaaaly cute!

Look at this cute little potato.

They hide in the pelettes. Me and my mom brought them two old pillows and a towel so they can keep themselves watm in the snow

We counted 7 puppers, even if there are only 6 on the pictures. I think one of them climbed on my leg so I couldn't capture all of them on the pictures.

My mom would go from now on to leave them food every day for the rest of the snowy period (which would be longer than two days, maybe longer than a week too because that weather report says it won't stop snowing for 3 or 4 days)

I also watched several movies. Namely, the Sonic OVA (forgot what OVA stands for), the Gorge and the new Paddington movie.

I watched the first one on my 3DS, just because I could and I really liked it. Would recommend people that like animated movies to watch it. I'd even recommend watching it on a small device like a CD player or a 3DS, the image is still very sharp and clear and I'm very sad they only made two episodes (because this was supposed to be an animated series).

The Gorge was a movie about two people on the side of a big... gorge, their job is to watch over it and not talk to each other, but they do both, and then it becomes a bit like a Resident Evil game. It's an interesting movie.

And finally, Paddington in Peru is a great third movie. I won't spoil it, just know if you like family commedy movies you'll like this series. I've watched the two other movies multiple times because they like to re-air them on the local TV channels and my mom and dad like it too. What confuses me is why did they use tech and items from 50+ years ago while also using modern tech. If you watch the movie you'll know why I'm so confused. It's just a very silly movie.

Ok, sorry but there are no news for this week too (12.02.#5)

Nothing interesting has happened this week but I'll go see the little puppers in the weekend, and I'll give you a little game review so stay put until then!

Meet the c̶a̶t̶s̶ dog! (01.02.#5)

There was ones a home depot storage or something like that opposite of my block. The bosses (or maybe the workers) liked dogs so they kept one and fed it regularly. It even had a house. One day they solf the place to another company which wasn't caring that much for the dog so it started wandering around to find food. That's where my mom comes (and some other people).

She named it Sharka (it's not connected to sharks) and kept going to the gate of that storage place to give it food.

Later we found out Sharka is pregnant, we don't know who the father is and we haven't seen the puppies because she's hiding them but we are pretty sure there are puppies. We would probably have to enter private property to find them so we probably won't see them soon.

Also, the dog is stil living in that storage area, it's just that I think the dog house isn't there anymore so she sleeps under an unused sample are that has a roof over it. Also, she has to cross the street every time she wants to go search for food but she does a better job following the road safety rules that the cats.

I pressent to you...(28.01.#5 - 30.01.#5)

Everything started from a small cat living on the roof of some garages named Whitey by my mom and a colleague of heres. This was at least 3 years ago. They loved it and gave it milk often because it didn't have anyone to care for it. After a while a black cat came along. And shortly after we had at least 10 cats going about their business around the block

Here are 8 of those cats, I'm gonna show a few more pictures of them and talk about my favourite.

#1 is my favourite, I called it Glezlyo (I think it means pampered in English). Every time I see him he comes meowing and wanting to scratch his head. And I agree every time, even if he is dirty and wants to bite me sometimes

#2 and #7 are the originals (I think), and mothers to several cats. The black one makes itself look more important and sometimes stands in a funy pose on the bench in front of my block while the white one wanders around and searches for food, like every cat.

I don't have the right picture so have this...

#4, #5, #6 and #8 are something the orange quadruplets, or maybe pair of twins...

I remember seeing two of them very often in the summer, chilling bellow the parked cars and trying to avoid the heat. One of these orange cats (I think it was #8) had only one eye since very litle. I'm saying had because that cat might be dead, these cats do not know how to cross the street, they just start running and hope the drivers notice them before it gets too late.

There's also this fuzzy little fella. He and his dad are new to the block. We haven't had much new noteable cats so its a nice thing to see...

I'm going to release the second part of this story tomorrow. It's longer than I thought it would be and I think it deserves its own post.

Sorry for no new things written recently(15.01.#5)

So, I've been busy, first with exams, then with one of my games. Also, I've been thinking about doing a more special "update" related to the various stories about the animals behind the block. But this would take a bit longer because it will have a lot of pictures and stuff.

I'm also gonna make a video about a weird Microsoft controller (not Xbox, it was created before Xbox was a thing) I bought yesterday. But first I need to find a good way to film both the gameplay and the controller. I have nowhere to put my phone to record it propperly so I'll have to get creative.

Again, sorry for the boring update but I'll make something cool soon, and could also update you on the fan game I was working on again because there have been a lot of new stuff done.

A review of #4 and the what happened in the first days of #5(04.01.#5)

This was probably my best year in a while, I started lots of projects, even if I didn'finish almost anything it's still some kind of progression.

I finally bought a 3DS and made by first successful repair, and also didn't break the thing I bought second hand for the first time.

I met some new friends, got close with people I wasn't before and I started training (at home because I don't like gyms).

For this year I hope I fix Unity for 3DS and make something with it and I also hope it take my IELTS test and driver's exams because they are very important for the future. Also, I gotta chose a university, I've been trying to do this since last year but I'm terrible at choosing and this is something REALLY important

It'd be cool if I could find some friends here and share ideas for the webiste. It would give me some more motivation to work on it. I guess I'm puting this as another goal for this year.

M E R R Y ‎late‎ C H R I S T M A S ! (26.12.#4)

So, this time Christmas was better. Despite the weather people saying it will snow on the 26th it hasn't started yet, but at least it's not 15C outside.

Me and my family have been staying at home but we have some plans to meet with friends in the comming days. So, even if we can't go outside because its wet and cold, we can still meet friends and family at home.

Also, another thing that has been happening recently is me being more patient than the rest for presents. They wanted to open them on Christmas Eve, even though we are supposed to open the in the morning the following day.

I got a new phone which is pretty powerful and good at emulating stuff. I'll talk about it once I've tried it with more games.

And finally, my "present" to you...

A collection of christmas gifs I've made this month! I hope you like them.

Also, I didn't do the pear tree. This guy made it:

Good thing I have permission to put it in the zip

The late Christmas spirit(22.12.#4)

I have big news! The first snow for the year has come in my town!

I decided to take a picture at night because I thought it would melt the next day. And I was almost correct

-Some more really nice things happened this week, I got A in maths (my first one this year)

-I did my first successful soldering job. My 3DS is finally free from the frankensteined charger that I used before (and I had broken it, so I couldn't use it). And after Christmas I will have a bigger SD card to put into it (this means MORE GAMES!!

My dad found some old textbooks of his own. He had a lot of goofy drawings in them. Stuff like rockband logos, some ships from Star Wars and some caricatures.

The last nice thing was the last school day and the Christmas party This year the music was nice, our class techer came, I brought my 3DS. Everything was nice. And as awlays my class like the sweets I made with my mom. I can give you the recipie if anyone wants it.

My dad brought a new laptop and I don't have time to play on it. But he does!(12.12.#4)

Last week by dad brought a really good laptop he bought "for more tasking school work" and since he's a principal he's allowed to do so.


While I was going to play Portal and Silent Hill 2 with the best possible graphics, my father decided to play The Last Of Us since he really liked the show. Guess what‽ He liked it even more than the show!

He said that's the best game he has ever play (concidering the second best was probably Diablo II or III, that's a big step). I'm probably going to try it too since I've never played it but I have a lot of work now, not even school work. I want to finish an update of my fan game thing and make one 3D animation before December ends and I'm sure I can't do it fast enough.

I've been doing some intentionally ugly models.

December has come again,

but the mood isn't very Decembery at all...(1.12.#4)

So, those 3D models I had to wait for 50 hours, they got finished in 18 or so and it was a mess, nothing looked good so I'm going to try again some time.

Another thing, I've started working on the first interactible thingy for my website- Desk Tour! My desk has enough junk I can talk about so the room tour will come later. Also, I'm starting with something small to set up the foundation for future website thingies.

On another note, I joined one of those reanimated collaborations and decided to make a scene with 3D low-polly models, then I forgot about it for a month and started again recently.

This guy's name is Billy, and he looks about as weird in 2D

One last thing, wish me luck because I have a maths test in friday and I haven't had very good grades there, mostly because I can't solve the problems fast enough.

Technial difficulties, not on the wensite though(21.11.#4)

So, last weekend was mostly great, I wantched the last episode of the new "The Penguin" series, and it was great, and had a pretty sad ending (I won't spoil it, don't worry). And I also had pizza for lunch, my mom made like an american pizza and it tasted great!

Now, onto why I'm calling this topic's theme "Technical difficulties", I accidentally ripped out the faceplate of the wall outlet in the livingroom because I sat on the cable that was plugged into it. My mom usually charges her laptop there and that somehow happened. The other problem is comming from my 3DS's charger. I'm going to draw some diagrams to show you what's wrong and how I wanted to fix and improve it:

This is my biggest problem right now in one picture

Another thing, I've decided to try those object scanners to try and make some cool gifs, in 45 hours I'll be able to see my result! Also, now I have an idea on how to finish my long awaited pages, the problem is that it might not work on as much browsers sinse it requires more than HTML and CSS, but at least it would work!

First year (+ a day) on Neocities!(12.11.#4)

On this day one year ago this site looked like a recolor of one of those famous website templates and a few stories from my more interesting days.

Actually, a few months ago I found out my website is on Internet Archives!

Even if non of the pictures are there I'm still very happy they have archived my web page in some way

Sinse I can't think of anything better to cellebrate this occasion I am going to tell you a few interesting facts about the website you probably don't know.

-I was going to make a post called "Meet the cats", it was going to be something of a story for the cats around my block. There used to be a lot of cats here, now they are much less for some reason. I didn't make it because I could make the music for the intro, which was going to be the TF2 theme but with cat meows, I have no idea how to make music.

-The secret page I was working on was a "terminal". You could imput a word which would lead you to a page, I was going to hide funny stuff and sneak peeks of the projects I'm working on but I had no idea how to code the search bar and I didn't have the motivation to finish the celebration page (the first page that was going to be added to that terminal.

-I was thinking of making a small page for distributing WinAmp themes and small games but this meant puting them in a cloud storage of some sort... I might do that some day!

That's all I have to say for the website. I guess it's time to talk about my favourite things (which would recieve a post for themselves some day)

My favourite shows are 'Allo 'Allo and Adventure Time. My favourite games are Portal 2, Minecraft, and different Mario games depending on the day. My favourite band is Tally Hall. My favourite thing in general is my dog Jullie. And finally, my favourite thing to do is art stuff and programming.

This web site is one of those art stuff and I'm doing it because I've dreamed to have a nice website for some time. Hopefully I can use this to help or inspire others to work on the things they like, and if there is a thing I am able to help with you can always contact me!

Hopefully next year would be even better than this one...

Things happened, just not very interesting or positive(10.11.#4)

I forgot to update again, let's start chronologically:

My parents had their worst argument over an apple that had gone bad which escalated pretty quickly but fortunately stopped when we went on a short vacation two days later in a quiet village. There was barely anything other than the place we stayed at, which funny enough was very interesting. It's in a small village and was build horse stables, this places has white peacocks and expesive cars but my bed broke down on the first night. There was also a spa that looked like it was in a cave, that was cool.

Also, I have gathered some friends from older and newer projects I've worked on to make something new and unrelated to other games. It's gonna be a dungeon crawler mole game where all your weapons are based on pickaxes and you dig for treasure and materials for more weapons n stuff. It started development yesterday so we will see where it will go. If you have any suggestions tell me in the chat! Or contact me.

Sick and coding(29.10.#4)

I'm sick! Probably because I have to go from room to room along with the 600 other people in my school every day. I also have a lot of coding to do, both as homework and as personal projects. I'd say my projects are more interesting but I have a funny thing I can say

Everything started from the fan demake of Portal for the DS and its not so good 3DS port. I wanted to improve it somehow but everything except the texture was encoded and I had no idea how to change it without breaking everything. This lead me to attempt to recreate the game in some game engine compatible with the 3DS. I've tried Unity before but since last time where I waited 10 hours for a project to get opened I decied to not bother with it. There's also a Godot but I needed to compile it from source which is a lot harder than I thought. You need devkitPro and devkitARM (things that let you code a game for consoles), a bunch of libraries you can't guess until the compilation crashes and great knowledge of C (which I don't have at the moment). I couldn't compile it sadly, I couldn't also compile the newest version of GBStudio needed for a cool demake pf Super Mario Bros which adds 8 cool new worlds. I'll add a link to the video so you can check it out too. Also, if someone knows how to compile programs from source or can help me with things like these, please contact me!

The other thing I need to finish are some code tests, You'd think there are people that test programs to see if there are any bugs but no, you gotta test it yourself I guess. And that's OOP my homework. The teacher is good but he likes to wander off to other topics that aren't connected to the thing we are studying. One day he told us that he had been living off of poker before he became a teacher, which he prove by showing us a hidden page on his website that let you know how to calculate outcomes and some other strategies. That's how that lesson went by. I don't remember what was the link to that page so when I get well (next week probably), I'll search the browser history to find it.

Yea, it's still very uneventful. So I'm just gonna talk about random stuff that I remember happened(22.10.#4)

One day when I was going home from school I saw a cat and a praying mantis. The cat looked like it was just playing but the mantis looked like it was angery and trying to fight the cat. I sat there for a minute to watch them, I should've taken a picture of them too. There are a ton of cats around my neightbourhood doing strange things but this time it was even more interesting.

Another thing, a friend of mine was in psychiatric hospital for a while because he got obsessed with a mobile game. Luckily, he is okay now okay, he's doing well and I'm happy because of that.

Now, onto the gaming stuff I guess. Since it's October (the spookier of the months), I'm playing some scary games, like Dementium Remake and RE Revelations. Dementium is good game, it's surprisingly good to control the camera with a stylus and you can write stuff in a notepad you get at the start of the game. The 3DS version might be the one with the best graphics, I've heard there's another remake that uses the DS' assets so... I also tried Bloons Tower Defence 4 for the DS, the funny thing is that it runs at 2FPS even on a 3DS, I wonder how bad it is on the original hardware...

Last week was so fast and uneventful that I actually forgot it went by(9.10.#4)

There hasn't been anything big going on lately. School is going easy, everyhting is quiet right now. If fact todat was so quite there weren't a lot of people or cars outside.

The only things that were a bit more interesting is that I got 16GB SD card and downloaded REsident Evil Revelations, and this took 2 hours. I also got more DS games and found out how to play them in widescreen. And also one time I was school, eating chips outside the classroom and for 5 minutes straight there was someoe going in or out of the classroom. Everytime somone opened the door they left it and it SLAMMED. It felt like a gag, watching the foor slam loudly for 5 minutes, put in a cartoon character and it might even be funny. Also, I remembered I'm terrible at rhytm heaven and that COP The recruit exists. I might make a review of that game when I complete at least half of it.

Brought my 3DS back to life, and MAN, DO I LOVE IT(19.09.#4)

I've told you about how I got a 3DS a few weeks ago and how the charging port was broken. Fortunately it has those small plates that are used for charging through a dock. I'm not sure why Nintendo decided to make them but I'm very happy from that.

For now I only have a 4GB SD card and I put only a few games: Mario 3D Land, Starfox 64, Pilotwing Resort, Terraria and Classicube, also a handful of DS and DSiware.

Everything so far has been great, all games work but when I install an update they crash for some reason. I'll have to look into that. Also, it has a ton of homebrew games and apps. There's FourthTube which lets you watch YouTube, even if only at 240p max on old 3DSes. There's also FLipnote Studio and Sudomemo which is like an awesome social media where you can make short animations or drawings and chat with people through drawings. It's very limited and the sound/voice of the flipnotes is very crushed but I think it's great non the less.

Even with all of this there great things, there are some small drawbacks, the battery of the og 3DS just doesn't last very long and when I put it on the dock (whih wasn't made for my 3DS and I had to open it and rearange the connectors so they can get to the charging plate thingies of my 3DS (more on that some other day) I have to nudge it back and forth until it starts charging.

I REALLY hope this weird way of charging won't fail one day but I can never know. Let's hope nothing happens to my other charging method too

Now, to the games, the 3DS ganes are nowhere near as much as I want to play now, Mario 3D Land and StarFOX 3D and Pilotwings Resort are a great showcase of what the handheld can do and Terraria on the 3DS isn't the best way of playing it but it's still maybe the most comfortable. I would really want to play Metal Gear Solid 3D too but I don't have to storage for now

For the DS/DSiware side, I've just downloaded some that I know are pretty good like, SM64DS, Metroid Prime hunters, Resident Evil DS, Kirby Superstar remake, Elite Beat Agent (which I played for the first time and even if I'm terrible at it I highly recommend it) Rhytm Heaven, Plants vs Zombies, Shantae, Zelda four swords adventure and maybe some more that I don't remember. That's it for now, tell me if you like the 3DS too and if you might want to be friends and play some 3DS games together. Bye now!

A review of this summer...(21.09.#4)

I'd say this summer was better for me than the last, I had a lot of stuff to do, working on my fan-game, working on schedules for Satellaview+, studying English to take the IELTS exam. Also, at the end of the summer my friend Mushroomman decided to start making games again, and we'll try to make it popular. I'm gonna write about it in the games section and see if I can share some screenshots with you because we're trying to not show too much, and we don't have that much gameplay-wise yet.

The travel destination this year were also better than last year. Denmark and Sweden are the farthest countries I've ever been to, and I visited my country's capital for the first time (after asking my parents for who knows how many years).

This summer I've gotten better at what I like (drawing, game design, programming) and I have a bit more of an idea on what I would do after finishing school, which is ending sooner than I would like to. Alsp, for the first time I didn't break the console I bought second hand, the charging port was already broken sadly, good thing the 3DS has two ways of charging, and I might try replacing the port some day.

This year the summer ended with very cold weather, the first school day was 10C when for years it has been 25 to 30C which is just strange so I wanted to state that.

I was also going to make a review of 3D open world games on systems that shouldn't be able to handle things like this but it's late, I'm still not good at managing my time and hope that would change some day. I'll do the review tomorrow as a compensation

Yesterday was my special day, and barely anything went right(07.09.#4)

Where should I start from, I got a second hand 3DS for a present because the local "tech shops" don't sell them but found out it won't be able to charge because the pins in the charging port were missing and now I have to wait until 21st for one of those charging stands to arrive and pray the copper plates are still good. Also, the styluses were chewed on (it came with two DS styluses) and I'm not even gonna talk about the browser history, otherwise the handheld was in a good shape and I managed to install mods and Super Mario 3D Land before the battery ran out.

Then my mom's cake didn't turn out as she wanted and she had to throw out a lot of cream, the cake was still good but I don't like wasting food, or cream.

And finally, I usually like going places with my family on this day, going on a restaurant isn't very interesting and my parents like going somewhere too. This year mom and dad both had ideas for where should we go but they both didn't like eachothers' ideas. At the end we settled for dad's idea because he is the one who drives but, since his idea was to have a picnic and go kayaking in a lake, that couldn't happen because the water in the lake had gone very low. At least we found something good to do. We got to the nearby town, found a nice pinic table in the forest and dad cooked some great bacon on our small grill. After lunch we went for a walk in the forest.

This day wasn't the best, last year it was much better but I still had good time, and maybe my 3DS would be the first console that I got second hand and ued more than a week because of something that may or may not be my fault. I swear, I just want to play games without awful touch controls

So... my brake is almost over (01.09.#4)

Sumer break is almost over, and so is my break from the website (I guess). I've just had a lot of other stuff I need to work on, both for school and personal. Onto the interesting things that happened recently: It got very cold for some reason, almost like it skipped September and went into October, I also went to the mountains with my family. We spent a third of the time waiting for the rain to stop, again, but it was nice. We visited a cool museum and we climbed to the big socialist toilet, otherwise known as the Buzludzha monument.

The first attempt was a failure because of the heavy rain and the sgrong wind but luckly the next day had only strong wind. From up there you could see almost everything in the horizon, it was great, and cold.

Now, onto what I've been doing on my computer. I did some more modeling and made a really cool gif, not sure why I didn't show it here earlier.

I was also gonna talk about open world games on systems that they shouldn't be on but I feel like I wrote enough for this week. Don't worry, the next time I make an update won't be after two weeks since I have a very special day comming soon.

Nothing eventful this week, just more work(14.08.#4)

I'm still working on my game, I'm still doing stuff for Satellaview+ and I even had a lot of homework even though I'm still not back to school. I made a little program to make the broadcast experience a bit better but it'll soon be obsolete which is kinda sad. And I still don't know how to make the music player and I haven't had much time to think about it. The only interesting thing this week is that I'm going camping in friday. I might have more to talk about next week so I'm leaving you with three gifs of funny space frogs.

Been busy lately(07.08.#4)

It was great in Denmark, I barely saw the little mermaid, I went to Tivoli (a very old theme park) and I walked around the center. I also went to Sweden for one day. I didn't do much there but I had a good time. Everything was great, except the hotel, you have to travel for an hour to get to the center.

Since the plane to Denmark took off from my country's capital I got to spend a day there for the first time. I hadn't been to it before because my dad hates going there, and it's very far.

After that since my mom had a few days off work left and she doesn't like staying in one place she found a hotel and we went to the beach a day after we returned. We were there for two days and it was ok. There are a lot of round rocks in the water so I was happy I brought my shoes for water. I also used the kayak with my dad. That was it for the beach. Now I'm back home and working again on my fangame once again. I've also worked on Satellaview+'s website. Go check it out if you are interested in super nintendo games

I'm gonna post pictures later, I'm busy now. Sorry...

Coming back soon(25.07.#4)

So, this week nothing very cool happened, just working on a level for my fan game, and it also started raining a lot for some reason. I also couldn't make the music player sadly because there wasn't such good and easy to implement stuff like the chat. I'll have more cool stuff and possibly finish the music player once I go back from Denmark. I'm going there tomorrow so bye!.

In the mean time, you can take a look at that level rework I was talking about:

Concerts and broadcasts(18.07.#4)

A few days ago I was on a three day rock concert with my dad. The whole thing was like a complex next to a small village. During the day we were walking around the village or staying in our tent because it was very hot outside (and it still is sadly) and at night we were enjoying the concert, also was my first concert. I don't have much more to say since the only interesting thing that was happening was the concert, and the fact there were 40 thousands people gathered on that big lawn. I don't think I've seen so many people on one place before.

I also got a Tshirt. Here, if you want to know what groups were playing. Also, I think this was my first and last chance to see Deep Purple.

And now for the gaming news. I'm making the schedule for a project called Satellaview+. For anyone that doesn't know, Satellaview was an add-on for the SNES that let you download games from a japanese broadcasting station. You could walk around in a hub that would have various stores, other buildings and people that could change every day. My job in the revival of this service is to make the schedule and draw sprites for the special event buildings that would appear when there is a special event. If I'm lucky I might even make a new magazine for one of the broadcasts. For now I don't have much else to say since the next public broadcasts would start next month.

Fires and car rpgs(06.07.#4)

There was a store for building materials on the neighbouring street with something like a front yard where they sold things like fake grass and gills... very flamable things let's say. And somebody lit that area on fire two days ago and since there's nowhere to install sprinklers there the whole store burned down and now when you go near it it smells terrible.

Here are pictures of the front and back of what's left of the store

And now for the gaming news. I got interested in car RPGs, they can be normal RPGs with cars, like the ChoroQ series, or more like racing games with RPG elements, like Racing Lagoon.

I was more interested in the former because of how obscure and interesting the games are and how many there are, and also because of the confusing naming convention that makes you think there are even more games. From what I can recommend you to play Any of the choroQ games on ps2, chorQ wonderful on the ps1, road trip on the gba. The last game is more of a normal racing game but I just enjoyed it a lot. Also, if you're worrying about how to play the game, I'm sure you can find it only and emulate it on your pc. If I can run it with mostly 60 fps then you might be able to do it too.

Last thing. I found a wikipedia page that lists a choroQ game for android but no matter where I searched I couldn't find information. The only screenshots I could find where on the website of the publisher and on one japanese article made 2 years after the release. I'm gonna put them in the gallery so you can try to find that game too.

My first drone show(25.06.#4)

I went on something of a yearly even fro my town called "White nights". Talented people from my town return to do some show and at the end of that show there is something that includes lights. It could be lazers, fireworks or like this year. This is also my first time seeing a drone show in person and I thought it's cooler than fireworks. I hope they make more of them. Also, here's a short video my mom made from the show:

I just realized I had written this but I forgot to save the website...

Also, I'm finally done with school and I found one pretty cool mobile game. It's called rush rally, it's kinda expensive but it looks good and I like the weird camera.


I was thinking about adding a jukebox but I'm still not sure. It would be harder to code the way I want it to be and I don't want it to get scrapped like the intro. Also, I have nothing interesting to say for this week, I've been doing my finals and that's not very interesting or pleasant.

I've been busy, with two things(09.06.#4)

You probably want to know more about the second but I'm going to tell you about the first now. I have final exams tomorrow and in thursday, but instead of only studying I was making my fan game/mod thing. You can read about it here, so I save some space.

Here's a video if what you saw didn't convince you. Just so you know, I don't operate the youtube channel.

People say that the fresh mountain air would help you if are sick(06.05.#4)

Since my easter break started at the start of May my parents decided to go on a trip for 2 days, but the weather had different plans...

Somewhere at the second half of the road to the town we were heading to it started to rain heavily. We had to wait several hour until the rain stopped so we couldn't see much of what we planned to see. On the second day it rained again but we managed to do some stuff before that. First we went around the park

There was a long forest with houses and small blocks, decorated with lots of roses. That streat lead to the park which looks close to a normal forest

Running close to that park is a river, and at the end of the street there is a waterfall.

And after the nth rain stopped we went on one of the eco paths. The view of the mountains was nice and we saw a heard of cows and one of sheeps.

We even saw a calf hiding in the bushes. I wonder what was it doing there. Also sorry for the blurry picture.

And after I got home again I got sick again, maybe even worse than the first time, but I feel okay now. I also have 2 fun topics to talk about but there are some thing I have to finish before I puplish them.

I'm sick, so I probably have time to write here now(22.04.#4)

Last week and the week before that were kinda terrible. I had 3 geography test in one week and since I'm sick I'm missing another one.

In my free time I was trying to 3D model. Here's what I have:

I was trying to make cartoon shading as you can see

This wasn't supposed to have hands or legs. Just a weird artistic version of Peppino

I'm still working on this one. I'll post all my models when they're done

Funny thing(08.04.#4)

So, as you could see. My website was hacked by Wario, and I'm only saying this because the person's email adress' name was Wario and the site was Wario themed

I decided to save the page so when you put "/wario" after the webs site's adress you get to that page. And I've also saved Wario's email and password to prevent future hacking

So, now normal stuff that happened. I cleaned hazel nut trees and got 50 bucks for the day which was nice, even if I got pretty red at the end of the day.

I bought Burnout paradice, I've heard it's good even if I haven't played any Burnout games and I have a lot of money left to buy other games n stuff, maybe I can buy Mario + Rabbids, maybe I could buy something else, it just has to be under 35 dollars, you can recommend me some cool games, maybe we can play if anyone of you have online.

The time when you are alone with someone and they show you a thing they're proud of(26.03.#4)

I am going on android app development courses ever Tuesday and sometimes not many people come to it. Today me and the teacher decided to work on the app alone.

I had to download a project before we start but then the program we use decided to update and we had to wait.

My teacher decided to show me a website he was working on for a html degree that might help schools, and I was sure he liked working on it because he talked about it for 25 solid minutes, all of this time my project was still downloading.

In the end. I maybe wasted my time but I don't feel like I wasted it in a bad way. And it's not like that's the most annoying thing that happened today.

The annoying thing was that a classmate got a better grade than me on a history project because he talked about "a relative" that has fought in a wat, even though he made that up, and I had put more effort in my presentation, and also our geography teacher decided to give us 3 test in a row for no reason.

Also, I put a nice cursor, it doesn't really work the way I wanted it to but I'll find a way to make it work, and I might finish the intro this weekend.

Something interesting to play(17.03.#4)

You might already know that I like Pizza Tower and since a new update came out 5 days ago I was busy playing it. I managed to beat the game as the Noise in around 5 hours which is probably my personal best, I'm not that fast.

Also, I got a cool idea about my website, I'm going to make a little intro for visitors. I'm not going to spoil what it would be now but I'm sure you will like it .).

Happy MAR10 day(10.03.#4)

Nothing big has happened sinse yestaerday, I'm just working on a game. I might talk about it more another day.

Kind of overwhelming week(08.03.#4)

Last week I went to Romania with my parents for a few days. We were staying in a big guest house that has probably belonged to a rich person a hundred years ago. And we were there with some friends

We went to see a some castles and ate some traditional food. It was nice, even if I've seen nice mountains in my country too.

Also my keyboard has been replaced. I gave it to a friend of my dad and it had to stay there for a few days. This was the worst time to give it though, I had a homework to write on it and two tests to study for. I should've said before that, even if I didn't know I'll have homework.

Also, I forgot to tell you happy 1st, 3rd and 8th March, for the people that celebrate them.

Sorry for the wait(25.02.#4)

I just don't have anything interesting things going on, and some of the keys on my keyboard stopped working which makes typing hard.

I have some ideas about what to write and two unfinished sections but I don't have the motivation to do them. There aren't a lot of people that are still interested in personal web pages.

AP (After Post): I actually finished one of those pages so now there's only one left to make. And it's a secret one so I can't tell you anything about it, even if I need help to make it work.

Fun fact(11.02.#4)

I hadn't gotten a haircut in 7 months. I liked myself with big hair but it got a bit too much

Sorry for not telling too much this week, I'm not very motivated to work on the website. Right now I'm mostly working on mods and stuff. I wish more people could come to my chat and talk about stuff so I knew that there were people that care more about it. welp

Wait, I guess I have something more to say. Yesterday I was competiton to write the best answer to a philosophy question. My philosophy teacher wanted to go because I'm good at writing I guess. And in June I'm going in Sweden for 3 days, I'm excited for that even if it's far from today.

Father and son talking about cool old shooters(01.02.#4)

We were watching an episode of a cool series my dad found when he remembered about an fps from 2000- No one lives forever. He found a gameplay video of it and I thought it looks interesting. Kinda reminded me of Goldeneye so I told him about that, I'm pretty sure he hasn't had an N64. Then he switched to Wolfenstein and I remembered I had gotten one of the newer games for free. I asked him for a disc drive so we could both play the game since I didn't have much space to install the game on and he gave me a dusty but quite big disc drive. Since the game is pretty big, about 1/5 of my laptop's storage, I would take some time to get downloaded on the drive. Until then I might also find the game that dad told me about and see if it's as good as it looked.

Also, I won't be able to build my Trabant model because it would cost 1000 bucks to get all the parts from the magazines, and another 1000 bucks if I want the caravan

I'm finally free and have a new thing to work on(27.01.#4)

Finally, the weeks of tests have ended. Also yesterday my grandma turned 74. Also I found about a magazine that comes with 1:8 model of Trabant 601 parts. I'm probably going to so that for a several months.

For now I only have the front part.

Nothing interesting this week (20.01.#4)

Just a normal week. Had some more tests, found my old pair of earbuds and now I have two and I played Minecraft with my friends.

Actually, I hadn't played Minecraft for 4 hours straight with more than 2 people in a long time. Maybe it wasn't that bland of a week

A lot of stuff happened this week (12.01.#4)

I might've broken my weekly "updates" thing but I had a lot of work and a lot of stuff happened

At the end of last week we took down the christmas decoration. The tree this year looked very nice, I might put a picture of it in the gallery.

Some bad things happened, my laptop's keyboard is getting worn off and some keys start to not work. Also a lot of good old youtubers have decided to retire. I mean, they deserve to retire at some point but it's still a little sad.

Also, I bought myself Smash Bros with some of the christmas money. I'll post my friend code here is somebosy want to play with me.


Happy new year! (01.01.#4)

Well, the new year has arrived. I spent the last hours in one friend's home, it was nice but I have to go to school on the 3rd and I have a Geography test that day. And some of my plans are crashing. I wanted to post a funny video of my dog Jully so you can see her but I don't know how to edit videos. Also I was going to buy Smash Bros but I'm several cents short and I don't have money for another gift card.

If I buy it one day I'll give you my Nintendo code if you want to play together.

M E R R Y C H R I S T M A S ! (25.12.#3)

I hope you have a happy Christmas and new year and, hopefully, the next year is better fot you

Since I can't ask you about how your Christmas went without you contacting me or writing in my comment section I'll let you know how my went

This Christmas didn't really feel like a Christmas.I had problems with my stomach, it was 15C outside when it should be in the minus and the Christmas fair was the same as the summer one but with less attractions and a big inflatable Santa (which isn't very different from other years but it's just not festive at all). At least I had good time with my family and got a nice present. I hope you've had a more interesting Christmas.

Also I was going to make a video for today I didn't have time, I'll upload it tomorrow.

I lost my earbuds (15.12.#3)

If somehow someone reading this web site lives in Razgrad and finds JBL Quantum 50 earbuds, please contact me or return them to me

They look like this:

I've returned(11.12.#3)

I was on a trip to Romania for 3 days. It was nice but now I have to worry about history.

BUT, there is something more important. When I was in Brasov I bought a cool 3D printed dragon keychain.

I can let you decide it's name. Also I wish I had money for a 3D printer.

Also today my grandfather had a birthday. We went to a restaurant to celebrate and some sauce fell on my cool dragon. That's when I gave it it's first bath


I'll be away from home for the weekend so I can't finish what I was planning.

Still, thanks to all who visited my website! You're awesome!


This weekend something hidden is going to show up

Woooow! I managed to make my comment/chat section work!(2.12.23)

It's not the most feature-full but it looks okay, updates in real time and is working. So... please go try it!

December has come, you know what that means!(01.12.23)

It's time to choose, are you a seinth or a grunch?

Okay, joke is over. I'm just in a good mood, even if I want to put that song in my web site but this would probably get me in trouble. I hope you're in a good mood too, and I hope it snows again because most of the snow melted.

EVERYTHING'S still IN SNOW! (27.11.#3)

Because of the snow I'm going to stay home for today. Anyways, here's a picture of my dog, JULLY THE SNOW DOG!


Yesterday there was 0 snow and was above 5°C. Now there is so much snow that some trees fell from the snow that was on them.

Weather has been pretty weird for the past 2 weeks. Today there is a lot of snow, yesterday there was 0 snow and last week there was exactly 1 snow.

Boring week (24.11.#3)

This week was boring. Nothing interesting on school. Nothing that interesting on internet. I don't have enough money to buy the games that I want and the eshop isn't know for it's low prices.

A little after writing this I found that there's a new duck song which is pretty good.

Still a mess but figuring things out (18.11.#3)

A lot of things happened this week so I wasn't able to do much in my website.

First, I scanned a QR code from an ARG and got a cool version of Minecraft

Screenshot from "Freerun" gamemode. It consists of 6 parkour maps to teach you how to use the new mechanics.

I also got some bad grades but that's not a thing that bothers you. And Half-Life became free on Steam for a while so that's what I'm going to spend my weekend playing.

First steps in page design (11.11.#3)

First day on Neocities! I'm still figuring out how to make a good looking website in HTML so it would look very template-y for the first week or so.